"The beauty of working with different cultures is that it creates a dynamic environment. This interaction is a constant puzzle that continuously invite you to stay on the path of discovery."

– Tatiana Kolovou

Cultural Intelligence in the Fast-Paced World

The world today is more multicultural than ever, contributing to the increasing opportunity of interacting with people from diverse backgrounds and places. While this opportunity has opened many new prospects, it has also created some challenges. Just for a moment, let’s try to imagine an employee from another culture inviting you for dinner. Also, try to imagine that you know that the food might be different from what you are used to. What would you do?

CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE or also known as CQ, is a globally recognized way of assessing and improving the effectiveness of interaction in culturally diverse situations. It is also the capability of one to function effectively across various cultural contexts. It includes things such as cultural sensitivity and awareness, but it goes beyond that in order to provide the skills needed to be effective when working and relating with diverse people at home and overseas. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) was developed to provide a scientifically valid way of measuring and developing multicultural effectiveness and

 “…refers to the ability that someone has, so he can build good interaction with other people and do interpersonal tasks.”

(Crowne, K. A., 2009)

Hi everyone! My name is Ana DAMASCHIN. My goal in this course is to help raise the awareness when it come to working across cultures, understand where some behaviors are coming from, and adjust their style to be more influential and more effective.

It’s time to begin. Please have a seat and let’s explore different cultural perspectives around the world together.

Why Cultural Intelligence?

The Cultural Intelligence (CQ) course, via structured learning activities (lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts, active participation in debates, and team/or individual projects), will teach you how to get over this situation, how to relate and work effectively with people from different cultural background, and to understand that those with high ‘cultural intelligence’ – are good at spotting cultural differences and adapt their behavior accordingly.

“In a global world where problems cross borders between cultures, people from different backgrounds need to know how to navigate through these borders and cross cultural barriers. We need to communicate effectively while building various networks needed to solve messy problems. The world today needs people and young leaders who do not shy away from differences but to gravitate towards it and come up with more innovative solutions.”

(Ana Damaschin, 2020)

Image of Benefits of diversity in the workplace by Lara Antal via The Balance 2020

What will we be covering?
  • What is Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and how do we tap into it?
  • Cultural value orientations and dimensions
  • Interest, drive, and motivation to adapt interculturally
  • How cultures are similar and different including cultural values
  • Personal adjustment and adaptability when relating and working interculturally
  • Negotiation effectiveness and decision making
  • Trust, idea sharing, and innovation
  • Leadership effectiveness
What will you achieve?
  • You’ll develop cultural intelligence and sensitivity – key future-focused capabilities required of every leader.
  • Engage your interest, drive, and confidence in adapting to diversity and multicultural situations or individuals
  • Report your understanding of how cultures and diversities are similar and how they are different
  • Evaluate your ability to adapt when relating and working in diverse context

Image of MTR’s story on embracing cultural changes over generations via People Matters website

When Are We Starting?

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Class at NUT (September 2020)

5 October (Monday) – 2

16 October (Friday) – 1,2

19 October (Monday) – 2,3

26 October (Monday) – 2,3

2 November (Monday) – 1,2

9 November (Monday) – 2,3

16 November (Monday)-  2,3

1 December (Tuesday) – 2,3

Who Would You Learn With?

Ana Damaschin
(Pronounced: A-NA DA-MAS-KIN)

Country of Origin: Moldova

Specialization: Cultural Intelligence (CQ), Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Social Engineering, Cognitive Science, Cultural Integration Practices

Connect with me on LinkedIn!

Current Affiliations:

  • PhD. Candidate in  International Relations and European Studies at Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)
  • Associate Professor at Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT)
  • Certification in Cultural Intelligence at the Cultural Intelligence Center (USA)
  • Scientific Researcher and contributor, The Nagaoka Review
  • Senior Researcher and Multicultural Ambassador, Multicultural Business Institute (Romania)
  • Scientific Researcher and Specialist in Communication and International Relations, Institute for Human and Community Development (Romania).

Main image by Clay Banks via Unsplash

Ana Damaschin

Ana Damaschin

Senior Researcher, The Nagaoka Review