In the age of digitalization, searching for information has never been easier. With just a few keystrokes or even spoken words into Google, one could find endless resources to the keywords they input into the search engine.

According to Capgemini’s article, “If You Are Not in Google, You Don’t Exist”, it is said that the lack of digital presence could be disastrous for a company in the way a business is seen by the people. Imagine being a business not searchable online, or an individual seeking for a job but lack the digital track record that other applicants have. What are your odds of succeeding in this rapidly digitalized world?

The Digital Game is On

At the onset of the pandemic, businesses are rapidly reacting to the pressures of needing to digitalize. Slowly but surely, more businesses and individuals are beginning to see the benefits of going digital.

On social media, COVID is dubbed the Chief Digital Transformation Officer of businesses in the year 2020, pushing even the most traditional businesses around the world to consider allowing employees to Work from Home (WFH) and expanding the company’s technological capabilities to cope with the sudden changes.

The virus is dubbed the “Chief Digital Transformation Officer” in driving rapid digital adoption during the pandemic.
Image illustrated by the author.

Technology companies and big international firms have the advantage of adapting due to the early adoption of WFH and heavy investment in infrastructure during the earlier stages of business, as well as employees having had the prior experience in teleworking. Even so, the world is still continuously searching for a new sustainable norm in the future of work and business.

No one can deny the importance of digitalization and having a digital presence would make a difference between life and death of businesses around the world.

What Does “Digital Presence” Mean?

According to Websurge, digital presence refers to  how a business appears online. It includes content such as a company’s website and social media profiles (on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and the like), as well as external content such as comments, reviews and more that the business has no control over.

Why would businesses need to have digital presence, one might ask? The simplest answer is: If your customers are online and they are searching for a solution, you would want your business to be the FIRST place they seek for answers.

Having digital presence just for the sake of ticking the proverbial boxes in this era is no longer beneficial for businesses. At this point in time, businesses must step up their game to create a stronger presence to gain more attention in the saturated market.

With all that has been said about the importance of having a digital presence for businesses, the same message applies to individuals as well.

Individual Digital Presence

According to Websurge, digital presence refers to  how a business appears online. It includes content such as a company’s website and social media profiles (on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and the like), as well as external content such as comments, reviews and more that the business has no control over.

Why would businesses need to have digital presence, one might ask? The simplest answer is: If your customers are online and they are searching for a solution, you would want your business to be the FIRST place they seek for answers.

Having digital presence just for the sake of ticking the proverbial boxes in this era is no longer beneficial for businesses. At this point in time, businesses and individuals must step up their game to create a stronger presence to gain more attention in the saturated market.

Image of “You are your own brand” via New Scientist website

Personal Branding in the Digital Space

What is Personal Branding?

“When we talk about “personal branding” we are referring to establishing and promoting what you stand for. Your personal brand is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you you. Effective personal branding will differentiate you from other professionals in your field.”

Brand Yourself

If you are a service provider and your prospective client must decide between you and another service provider, there is a high chance they would Google search both individuals. Do not allow bad personal branding to be a reason for missed opportunities, because personal branding is something within one’s control.

How Should I Up My Digital Ante?

Competing in these challenging times would require people to be digitally savvy, or at least to do their part to stay ahead of the game digitally.

Here are some tips for individuals to stay ahead of the curve:

1) Think “User-Centricity”

Think from the perspective of the User; the person who is searching for you (i.e., your prospective client, potential customer, future employer). What information are they looking for when they are searching on the internet?

Doing this exercise will lead you to…

2) Crafting your personal brand

People do business with people they like and trust, not with the company, which is why a clear and well-positioned personal brand is imperative

Let us use the 5 W’s approach a guideline to answer some of these questions:

Who are you? How do you want people to see you? (The face)

What do you represent, or what can you do? What combination of skills and experience do you want to highlight about yourself? (The action)

When have you done something similar? (The track record)

Where are you based? What platform are you on? (The ‘location’)

Why do you do what you do? What makes you appealing to your user? Why should they be interested in you instead of others? (The inspiration)

The 5 W’s of Personal Branding. Image illustrated by the author

3) Be digitally present!

Sometimes, the probability of success or failure is separated by a very thin line. In an interconnected world, you need to ensure that you are digitally present. Do you have a professional social media account (e.g., LinkedIn)? Do you have a website that people could search for your company? Here is where you ask the “How” question: How can your user find you? And how can you stand out in the crowd?

A thin line in the difference between success and failure. Image illustrated by the author

Take another step further and ask yourself this: What would they find if they were to Google you or your business? Ensure the search results are aligned with your personal branding. And make sure you have a strong digital presence across various platform that your users are at.


Authenticity is not about being unique. It is all about how the insides and the outsides are aligned. It is about how your beliefs and values are reflected in the way you act and behave.

Authenticity is at the intersection between Beliefs and Values, as well as Actions and Behaviors of a person.
Image inspired by Instructional Coaching Group’s Venn diagram.

5) Align your message towards the goal you have and be consistent

Consistency is key. We do not want to confuse our audience. Nothing is more damaging than having more than one version of the truth of your brand, which can even lead to doubts about what you have to offer.

Alignment and consistency are important in crafting one’s personal branding as well as to establish a strong digital presence.
Image illustrated by the author.

What Is Next?

In the VUCA world, it is increasingly harder to predict what the future will be. However, one thing is certain, and it is that the digital divide will be widening at a faster pace from now on. Individuals and businesses who are not ready to digitalize would find themselves quickly becoming irrelevant. Even for those in niche markets, the increasing inter-connectivity of the world and the change in pace is lowering the barrier of entry into those markets.

This message is not only limited to people who are in the workforce or in business, but also applies to students who are seeking employment opportunities in the near future. Having an earlier head start would allow one to have more time to prepare and craft their personal branding in advance.

Preparation is key to success.

If you have not taken proactive action in being digitally present, what better time to start than now.

Main image from Adobe Stock Photos (336918031)

Michelle Lim

Michelle Lim

Creative Consultant, JCE Japan Creative Enterprise