Japanlife Japanese Stationery: The Techo Culture & Evolution in Japan With the increase in smartphone ownership around the world, the need for paper-based solution is…Michelle Lim26/11/2021
culturediversityheritagehistoryJapan Ikebana: The Art of Japanese Flower Arrangements Did you know that Ikebana is much more than just placing flowers in a vessel?…Ana Damaschin21/10/2021
culturediversityJapantravel The Beauty of Momiji Season in Japan From skiing in Hokkaido to sunbathing in Okinawa, Japan has a vast range of activities…Ana Damaschin05/10/2021
culturehistoryJapan World Bound by History – The Mid-Autumn Festival in Japan Ryutogekisu-bune (龍頭鷁首舟) at the famous Osawa pond in Kyoto, one of the three major moon…Michelle Lim12/09/2021
AfricaeducationengineeringJapan Sambe Mangoné: Promoting Africa-Japan Mutual Partnership through Research in Geotechnical Engineering How far are you willing to go to make your dreams come true? Born and…Ana Damaschin10/08/2021
culturehistoryJapanlife at Nagaoka Washima Tout le Monde: Weaving French Cuisine with the History of 100 Year School in Nagaoka Behind the mountains on a small hill, there is the chalk school building, catching the…Ana Damaschin06/08/2021
innovationJapanstudent experiencestechnology Taihei Shimamine: On the Behavior of Cellular Automata Taihei Shimamine graduated from the Nagaoka University of Technology at the beginning of this year…Ana Damaschin30/07/2021
COVID-19Japanstudent experiences Student Experiences: COVID-19 and its impact on education, social life and mental health of students Two years. It is hard to believe it has been two whole years since we…Ana Damaschin21/07/2021
communicationculturediversityJapanMongolia Nomin Buyanbaatar: Representing Mongolia in The Japanese Society The bulk of international students studying abroad in Japan came here to learn much more…Ana Damaschin09/07/2021
businesscommunicationglobalizationJapan Glocalization: How Starbucks Adapt and Enhance the Regional Offerings of Japan When speaking about successful companies who have "glocalized" well in their new market, Starbucks often…Michelle Lim06/07/2021