futureinnovationresearchstudent experiencestechnology The Pursuit of “Healthy-ness” – Improving the Quality of Life Through Microfabrication Technology is seen as a tool or enabler to help people to improve the quality…Michelle Lim03/12/2020
businessinnovationresearchtechnology Japanese Outposts in Silicon Valley Innovation outposts as effective ways of ingesting innovation into corporate ecosystems The boundaries between a…Tudor Tomos22/11/2020
businessfutureinnovation Thinking The Extreme | Why Extreme Is Not Always Bad What are your thoughts when someone mentions the word “extreme”? What comes to mind? The…Michelle Lim19/11/2020
futureinnovationsustainability Collective Impact through Social Innovation What do Wikipedia, Linux, Greenpeace, the Fair Trade Movement and Amnesty International have in common?…Tudor Tomos23/09/2020
businessinnovationtechnology AirBox: Collaborative Success in Monitoring Air Quality In the tech-driven world spurred by the advent of COVID-19, people are warming up to…Michelle Lim06/08/2020
businessfutureinnovationtechnologythought leaders view Digital Adaptation and Agility: How the Insurance Industry Can Embrace Change As the world braces for the "new normal", businesses are starting to see new challenges…Michelle Lim18/07/2020
businessfutureinnovationtechnology CUONA: Technology for the “New Normal” As the world starts seeing a slow easing on rules, gathering data and embarking on…Michelle Lim02/07/2020
businessinnovation Humanity and Innovation: Creating Solutions That Matter News these days are filled with business closure decisions and the negative impact on the…Michelle Lim29/06/2020
innovationresearchstudent experiencestechnology Turning Life Challenges Into Strengths The Nagaoka Review sat with Guillermo Guangorena, a student at the Nagaoka University of Technology…Michelle Lim01/06/2020
innovation Murata Electronics: Shaping the Future of Innovation Murata Electronics has been an “innovator in electronics” for the past 75 years. This ethos…Tudor Tomos13/04/2020