student experiencestechnology Hiroto Sakai: The Pride and Joy in Radio Transmitter Finding and Engineering Every year, participants from Japan go to a mountainous terrain to compete in a mental…James Redmond Chua28/11/2021
student experiencestechnology Mutsuki Ishii: Making Videos More Accessible for the Blind and Visually Impaired To a person with low vision or is visually impaired, what difference do video descriptions…James Redmond Chua03/11/2021
SDGssustainabilitytechnology Shehani Sharadha Maheepala: Making Green Technology a Liveable Reality Born and raised in Sri Lanka, Shehani Sharadha Maheepala is a second-year master's student belonging…Ana Damaschin29/10/2021
engineeringroboticstechnologythought leaders view Factory of the Future: Adopting New Solutions to Prepare for Future Challenges Developing Automation Solutions for the Future of Production The Nagaoka Review team spoke with Richard…Michelle Lim08/10/2021
researchstudent experiencestechnology Ryota Toyoba: Bridging International Experience Locally Life is indeed unpredictable with changes happening fast so fast, the only way one could…Michelle Lim20/09/2021
AIfuturefuture of worktechnology Disruption, Innovation, Insight: Looking to the Future with Exciting Tech The atmosphere of uncertainty that permeates our present collective experience has been causing massive disruptions…James Redmond Chua13/09/2021
brain activityresearchstudent experiencestechnology Kento Suemitsu: Enabling the Brain to Communicate for Motor Rehabilitation How do you enable the brain to communicate? This is the main challenge that students…James Redmond Chua08/09/2021
engineeringstudent experiencestechnology Naoya Yamaguchi: Turning Up the Heat with Self-Healing Ceramics The world is headed to a different direction with strong emphasis placed on sustainability and…Michelle Lim25/08/2021
innovationstudent experiencestechnology Chloe Choe Wei Ee: VLC the Future of Wireless Communication Technology From the first campfires to the oil-filled lamp and electric torch, artificial light is an…Ana Damaschin17/08/2021
businesscommunicationfuture of worktechnology Introduction to Digital Marketing & Communication As engineers, you have confidence in creating great products and developing innovations. But did you…James Redmond Chua16/08/2021